Photographs of Display
The Sea In Our History
Advocate Memorial Park
Advocate Harbour Cumberland County Nova Scotia
Located on the south side of Highway 209,
about 50m west from the Advocate Harbour Post Office
GPS location: 45°20’02″N 64°46’47″W
The Sea in Our History
Photographed on 4 June 2003
Region’s Contribution to the Age of Sail
Seaman’s Version of the 23rd Psalm
Click on image for full size view
Advocate Memorial Park
(above) Advocate Memorial Park in June 2003. Isle Haut is visible on the horizon.
The Oldest Settlements plaque (centre) with the Sea In Our History panel (right).
Photographed on 4 June 2003
Photographed on 21 November 2005
(below) Advocate Memorial Park in November 2005, with the Oldest Settlements plaque.
The Sea Sea In Our History panel has disappeared, but its supporting posts are still in place.
When visiting sites around the Bay of Fundy,
always keep in mind that these tides can be dangerous
to those who venture out on the flats when the tide is low.
The incoming tide can return rapidly, with the
sea surface rising as fast as three metres (ten feet) per hour.
The oncoming water comes across the flats
faster than you can get away.