Photographs of
New Ross War Memorial
WW1 1914 – 1918
WW2 1939 – 1945
This is the first monument to be erected in Nova Scotia
to honour those who served their country in World War One.
The base stone was laid on 28 August 1917.
New Ross Lunenburg County Nova Scotia
Located at the New Ross Legion building, on the north side
of the Forties Road, about 200m west from Highway 12
GPS location: 44°44’11″N 64°27’39″W
Photographed on 7 September 2003
South face
Photographed on 2 October 2002
East and north faces
Photographed on 2 October 2002
West face
Photographed on 31 October 2002
Photographed on 19 November 2005
Photographed on 19 November 2005
At the regular meeting of the New Ross Historical Society in January2006,
the speaker for the evening, RonBarkhouse, Historian, gave a talk on
the history of the New Ross monument, which included these facts:
• The monument is the first monument to be erected in Nova
Scotia to honour those who served their country in WorldWarOne.
• The monument was erected to honour ex-soldiers who settled NewRoss (thenSherbrooke) as well as those who served in WorldWarOne.
• The base stone was placed at the village crossroads on 28August1917.
• The finished or polished stones and crown were placed on the
base in the fall of1918.
• In 1959, the Monument/Cenotaph was moved from its original site to its
present location on the grounds of the New Ross Canadian Legion,
• What was considered phase2 of the project, that is, the
likeness of a soldier on a stone column, was placed atop the monument in the1990s.
Thanks to Ron Barkhouse, Historian, New Ross Historical Society
The New Ross war memorial monument at its original location, before 1959
Photograph thanks to Gerald Keddy