Photographs of
J.B. McLachlanmonument
James Bryson McLachlan1869 – 1937
Glace Bay
Cape Breton Regional Municipality Nova Scotia
Located at the intersection ofCommercial Street and Brookside Street
GPS location: 46°11’34″N 59°57’14″W
The above photographs were taken on 6 September 2005.
J.B. McLachlan: A Biography by David Frank
reviewed by Sheldon Currie in The Antigonish Review (dateunknown)
…Frank’s biography makes pretty evident what any disinterested or
fair minded person knew throughout J.B.’s career as a labour leader.
He was a man of consistently high moral principles, and practiced
the cardinal virtues he inherited from his parents and learned from
his teachers and his avid reading. He was a man of courage, able
to face the dangerous moment, and of patience for the long haul.
He was the EliotNess of the labour movement who could be neither
corrupted nor intimidated by power, money, or by “his betters,”
the bosses, lawyers, clergymen, politicians on the right or left, nor by
labour leaders whose hidden agendas clashed with the welfare
of Nova Scotia coal miners…