T.C. Haliburton 1796 – 1865
Thomas Chandler Haliburton Plaque
Windsor Hants County Nova Scotia
Located in the lobby of the Hants County War Memorial Centre, Windsor
GPS location: 44°59’32″N 64°08’00″W
T.C. Haliburton plaque, Windsor Erected 1937
Photographed on 20 March 2003
T.C. Haliburton plaque, Windsor
Photographed on 20 March 2003
Thanks to Mr. Garnet Clarke.
Hants County War Memorial Centre, Windsor
The T.C. Haliburton plaque is in the lobby
Photographed on 20 March 2003
Hants County War Memorial Centre, Windsor
This plaque is placed to the right of the front steps
Photographed on 20 March 2003
Planter 2010 Celebration in Nova Scotia
Thomas Chandler Haliburton by J.M.S. Careless
Sam Slick the first Canadian international bestseller
Creator of Sam Slick: Sir Thomas Haliburton by Dalhousie Library
The Haliburton Collection: Description
The Haliburton Collection: History
T.C. Haliburton bibliography by James Horner and Iram Khan
T.C. Haliburton bibliography by Peter Landry
T.C. Haliburton bibliography
Thomas Chandler Haliburton by Peter Landry
Thomas Chandler Haliburton by Richard Atterbury Davies
A Brief History of Windsor, Nova Scotia: 6A Thomas Chandler Haliburton by Garth Vaughan
A Brief History of Windsor, Nova Scotia: 6B T.C. Haliburton Chronology by Garth Vaughan
Thomas Chandler Haliburton by Wikipedia
Haliburton, Thomas Chandler by Columbia Encyclopedia, Fifth Edition
Haliburton, Thomas Chandler by Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition
Haliburton, Thomas Chandler by Encyclopedia, Eleventh Edition (1911)
Thomas Chandler Haliburton Collection at Dalhousie University by National Library of Canada
Thomas Chandler Haliburton Collection at Queen’s University by National Library of Canada
Publications by Dr. Richard Davies including works about T.C. Haliburton
Haliburton Enterprises: My Relatives’ Books includes T.C. Haliburton bibliography
Haliburton House Windsor
486 Quotations from T.C. Haliburton
Reviews and Criticisms of Haliburtons Work 6 volumes, collected by Herbert Robertson Banks
Canadian Land and Emigration Company Limited
Canadian Land and Emigration Company Limited Plaque #4
Location: Sam Slick Park, in front of Haliburton Highland Secondary School, Haliburton, Ontario
Canadian Land and Emigration Company Limited The name Haliburton came from Thomas
Chandler Haliburton, the first chairman of the Land and Emigration company from 1861 to 1865…
Canadian Land and Emigration Company Limited
Canadian Land and Emigration Company Limited Haliburton County, in Ontario, is named for
the first chairperson of the Canadian Land and Emigration Company, Judge Thomas Chandler
Haliburton … The Village of Haliburton was founded in 1864. The Provincial Township
of Haliburton was formed in 1874…
Thomas Chandler Haliburton Czechoslovakian site
OnLine Editions of T.C. Haliburton’s Works
Project Gutenberg Titles by Thomas Chandler Haliburton
The Clockmaker, Or, The Sayings and Doings of Samuel Slick, of Slickville Project Gutenberg
The Clockmaker, Or, The Sayings and Doings of Samuel Slick, of Slickville Project Gutenberg
The Clockmaker, Or, The Sayings and Doings of Samuel Slick, of Slickville Project Gutenberg
The Clockmaker, Or, The Sayings and Doings of Samuel Slick, of Slickville Project Gutenberg
Nature and Human Nature Project Gutenberg
Nature and Human Nature Project Gutenberg
Nature and Human Nature Project Gutenberg
Nature and Human Nature Project Gutenberg
The Trotting Horse the first episode in The Clockmaker… series
The Trotting Horse
OnLine Scanned Images of T.C. Haliburton’s Works
by the Canadian Institute for Historical Microreproductions (CIHM)
Nature and Human Nature 1855
by Haliburton, Thomas Chandler; 371 page images available
CIHM 32538
The Letter-bag of the Great Western, or, Life in a Steamer 1840
by Haliburton, Thomas Chandler; 99 page images available
CIHM 34738
A general description of Nova Scotia: illustrated by a new and correct map 1823
by Haliburton, Thomas Chandler; 218 page images available
CIHM 35672
The clockmaker, or, The sayings and doings of Samuel Slick, of Slickville 1838
by Haliburton, Thomas Chandler; 229 page images available
CIHM 35995
Volume One: The Attache, or, Sam Slick in England 1843
by Haliburton, Thomas Chandler; 287 page images available
CIHM 45071
Volume Two: The Attache, or, Sam Slick in England 1843
by Haliburton, Thomas Chandler; 299 page images available
CIHM 45072
An address on the present condition, resources and prospects of British North America,
delivered by special request at the City Hall, Glasgow
on 24 March 1857, by the Hon. Mr. Justice Haliburton 23 page images available
CIHM 48594
OnLine Commentary about T.C. Haliburton’s Works
Another Source for Thomas Chandler Haliburton’s The Clockmaker by D.M.R. Bentley
Soft sawder The term first appeared in the story The Trotting Horse in Haliburton’s first collection…
Mad as a hatter The first example of the phrase “mad as a hatter” I can find is from a work by Thomas
Chandler Haliburton of Nova Scotia, who was well-known in the 1830s for his comic writings about the
character Sam Slick, in The Clockmaker; or the Sayings and Doings of Samuel Slick of Slickville…
Books by T.C. Haliburton
A General Description of Nova Scotia 218 pages
published 1823, printed at the Royal Acadian School in Halifax
An Historical and Statistical Account of Nova Scotia
published 1829 by Joseph Howe, Halifax
Sam Slick: Recollection of Nova Scotia
The Bubbles of Canada (1839)
The Letter-Bag of the Great Western, or, Life in a Steamer two volumes
published 1840 by W.H. Colyer, New York
The Attache: Sam Slick in England (1843-44)
The Clockmaker; or the Sayings and Doings of Samuel Slick, of Slickville
a.k.a. Sam Slick, The Clockmaker
published 1838 by Carey Lea and Blanchard, Philadelphia
issued in over 80 editions between 1836 and 1900
The Old Judge, or Life in a Colony (1849)
published c1860 by Hurst and Blackett, London
Rule and Misrule of The English in America two volumes
published 1851 in United States by Harper, New York
published 1851 in United Kingdom by Colburne & Co., London
Traits of American Humour three volumes
by various authors, edited and adapted by T.C. Haliburton
published 1852 by Colburn and Co., London
Sam Slick’s Wise Saws and Modern Instances;
or, What He Said, Did, or Invented two volumes
published 1853 by Hurst & Blackett, London
The Americans at Home (1854)
Nature and Human Nature two volumes (1855)
An address on the present condition, resources
and prospects of British North America
delivered by special request at the City Hall, Glasgow
on the 24th March, 1857, by the Hon. Mr. Justice Haliburton
17 pages, published 1857 by John Lovell, Montreal
Speech on the Repeal of Duties on Foreign and Colonial Wood (1860)
The Season-Ticket (1860)
Books and articles about T.C. Haliburton
(Those mentioned below are only a few of the hundreds
of books and articles about T.C. Haliburton.)
Bradley, Rhonda
A Blazing Rage: T. C. Haliburton’s Reply
to the Report of the Earl of Durham
Nova Scotia Historical Review #12:1 (1992) 21 pages
Chittick, Victor Lovitt Oakes
Thomas Chandler Haliburton (“Sam Slick”);
a Study in Provincial Toryism
1924, Columbia University Press, New York
Reviewed by Cairns, William B.
Journal of American History, Volume 12 Number 1, June 1925
Davies, Richard Atterbury
On Thomas Chandler Haliburton 1979, Tecumseh Press, Ottawa
Haliburton, Robert Grant
A Sketch of the Life and Times of Judge Haliburton 1897
A Sketch of the Life and Times of Judge Haliburton 1897
by Haliburton, Robert Grant; 39 page images available
CIHM 05331
Liljegren, Sten Bodvar
Canadian history and Thomas Chandler Haliburton:
some notes on Sam Slick three volumes
1. Upsala, Sweden: Upsala University Canadian Studies, 1956
2. Upsala: Lundequistska Bokhandeln, 1969-70
Parks, G. Malcolm
Sam Slick in Pictures 1956, Ryerson Press, Toronto
The Wayback Machine has archived copies of this document:
Review of Haliburton Revisited: Haliburton Bi-centenary Chaplet
edited by Dr. Richard Davies, Wolfville: Gaspereau Press, 1997
Proceedings of the fifth Thomas Raddall Symposium at Acadia University, 1996
Archived: 1999 April 19
Archived: 2000 July 8
Archived: 2001 August 21
Archived: 2002 June 18