Last Post Fund Veterans Memorial

Halifax: Last Post Fund veterans memorial monument -2

Photographs of
Last Post Fund Veterans Memorial

WW1 1914 – 1918
WW2 1939 – 1945 Korea 1950 – 1953

Armed Forces
and Merchant Marine

Fairview Lawn Cemetery Halifax Nova Scotia

Located at #3720 Windsor Street

GPS location: 44°39’36″N 63°37’23″W

Google map

Halifax: Last Post Fund veterans memorial monument

Photographed on 28 November 2007

Halifax: Last Post Fund veterans memorial monument
Erected by the Last Post Fund

Photographed on 28 November 2007

Halifax: Last Post Fund veterans memorial monument

Photographed on 28 November 2007

(1) Last Post Fund

(2) Last Post Fund

(3) Last Post Fund