Photographs of
Fort Edward Cannons
Fort Edward National Historic Site
Windsor Hants County Nova Scotia
GPS location: 44°59’48″N 64°08’07″W
Fort Edward National Historic Site, Windsor
Photographed 21 November 2002
East cannon
Cast iron
East cannon, looking northward
Photographed 24 December 2003
East cannon, looking westward
Photographed 24 December 2003
Right-hand trunnion face
Photographed in the yellow light of the rising sun
Corroded foundry marks, difficult to read
Photographed 24 December 2003
East cannon
Photographed 24 December 2003
Fort Edward Blockhouse, Windsor
Photographed 24 December 2003
Also see: Fort Edward blockhouse
West cannon
Cast iron
West cannon
In the distance we see the Avon River at low tide
Photographed 26 December 2003
Other Old Cannons in Nova Scotia
What’s the big deal about cannons?
Nowadays, cannon and other forms of artillery from the 1700s and 1800s are nothing more than quaint noise-makers. We see them only in the movies and onTV, or at occasional demonstrations at historic sites. Intheir day, cannons were the most powerful, far-reaching and fearsome weaponsavailable…