Photographs of
Bay View Cannons
Cast iron
Bay View Digby County Nova Scotia
Admiral Digby Museum, Digby
Admiral Digby Museum, Digby
Admiral Digby Museum, Digby
This cannon weighs 2112 kg.
The foundry marked this cannon’s weight as 41 – 2 – 10,
meaning 41 hundredweight plus 2 quarters plus 10 pounds.
One hundredweight equalled 112 pounds, and one quarterweight
equalled 28 pounds. Thus this cannon weighs 4658 pounds.
One kilogram equals 2.205 pounds.
This cannon’s weight works out to 2112 kilograms
(at the time of manufacture, not much changed now).
Admiral Digby Museum, Digby
Cannon manufactured for George II Rex
(King George II reigned 1727-1760)
Admiral Digby Museum, Digby
The above photographs were taken on 16 May 2003.
Other Old Cannons in Nova Scotia
What’s the big deal about cannons?
Nowadays, cannon and other forms of artillery from the 1700s and 1800s are nothing more than quaint noise-makers. We see them only in the movies and onTV, or at occasional demonstrations at historic sites. Intheir day, cannons were the most powerful, far-reaching and fearsome weaponsavailable…