Photographs of
Five Houses Cannon
Cast iron
Lower LaHave Lunenburg County Nova Scotia
Located at the intersection of Lower LaHave Road
with Kraut Point Road and Five Houses Road
GPS location: 44°17’06″N 64°20’07″W
One morning in 1897 a Royal Salute was fired…
This Royal Salute probably was fired as part of the vast celebration in June 1897,
throughout the British Empire, of Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee, the sixtieth
anniversary of her accession to the throne in June 1837. The biggest official event
of the Jubilee was the Review at Spithead, England, on Saturday, 26 June 1897.
(Might this have been the date of the LaHave River Royal Salute?)
The foundry marked this cannon’s weight as 32-1-4.
In what measurement system?
The above photographs were taken on 17 May 2003
Other Old Cannons in Nova Scotia
What’s the big deal about cannons?
Nowadays, cannon and other forms of artillery from the 1700s and 1800s are nothing more than quaint noise-makers. We see them only in the movies and onTV, or at occasional demonstrations at historic sites. Intheir day, cannons were the most powerful, far-reaching and fearsome weaponsavailable…