Yorkshire Settlers
1772 – 1775
Photographs of Plaque
River Philip Cumberland County Nova Scotia
Located about 50m south from the River Philip United Church
GPS location: 45°39’36″N 63°54’22″W
Photographed at 6:25am, 30 July 2003
The above photographs were taken on 30 July 2003.
“Forgotten Migration”, Halifax Sunday Herald, 9 January 2000
The Yorkshire Emigration, 1772-1775 by G.M. Ripley
…Almost all of the Yorkshire emigrants remained loyal to Britain during the
Eddy Rebellion in 1776, thus helping to determine the future of both Nova Scotia
and Canada…
The Legacy : Plaques and Memorials The Yorkshire 2000 Legacy Committee
The Yorkshire Rural Emigration to Nova Scotia on the Eve of the American Revolution
extracted from John Thornton Dixon’s PhD Dissertation, University of Leeds, 1981
Tantramar Historic Sites
Until 1784, all of this area was part of Nova Scotia…