Sir John Wentworth 1737 – 1820
Governor of New Hampshire 1767 – 1775
Lieutenant Governor of Nova Scotia 1792 – 1808
Photographs of Plaque
Halifax Nova Scotia
Located on the grounds of Government House, Barrington Street, Halifax
GPS location: 44°38’36″N 63°34’19″W
Photographed on 28 November 2002
Photographed on 28 November 2002
Photographed on 28 November 2002
Photographed on 28 November 2002
Province of New-Hampshire
Proclamation by His Excellency John Wentworth
10 March 1774
Source: Historical Collections for the U.S. National Digital Library
An American Time Capsule
Three Centuries of Broadsides and Other Printed Ephemera
Governor of New Hampshire 1767-1775 Governor of Nova Scotia 1792-1808
Sir John Wentworth by Peter Landry
Sir John Wentworth by Wikipedia
John Wentworth II: the last Royal governor of New Hampshire
Governor John Wentworth and the American Revolution by Paul W.Wilderson
Government House
Sir John Wentworth
The Wentworths: a benevolent aristocratic family dynasty of appointed governors
…When Governor Wentworth discovered a mob pointing a cannon at his home,
he took the hint. Wentworth removed his family to Boston and later to Nova Scotia…
John Wentworth NH’s last British leader did his best to keep peace,
but John and Frances Wentworth had to flee … John Wentworth engendered
less ill-will among Americans than almost any other highly placed
British official in the colonies. Yet, in spite of favorable sentiment,
Wentworth could not avoid the decree of history and became one of the
tragic figures of the American Revolution…
Proclamation by His Excellency John Wentworth, 10 March 1774
Governor Wentworth’s Volunteers: Report of Formation 16 October 1777
Joshua Wentworth House …John Wentworth’s Wolfeboro house was palatial
in size. One hundred feet wide and forty deep, it was one of the great mansions
of New England. The Governor spent several summers in the house as work
continued on it. In 1775, however, as revolutionary events reached
New Hampshire, Wentworth left the province never to see Portsmouth
or Wolfeboro again…
Wentworth Estate historic marker
Governor Wentworth: letter to Governor Gage 14 December 1774
Governor Wentworth: letter to the Earl of Dartmouth 20 December 1774
Governor Wentworth: Official Proclamation 26 December 1774
Benning Wentworth
Benning Wentworth (governor of New Hampshire 1741-1766)
was the uncle of Sir John Wentworth.
Benning Wentworth by Wikipedia