Mona Parsons

Citation to Mona Leonhardt from Dwight Eisenhower -6

Mona Parsons

Mrs. Willem Leonhardt

Mona Parsons Leonhardt Foster

1901 – 1976


Wolfville Nova Scotia

Located in Willowbank Cemetery on the east side of GaspereauAvenue

GPS location: 45°05’11″N 64°21’23″W

Mona Parsons tombstone, Wolfville

Photographed on 10 June 2004

Mona Parsons tombstone, Wolfville

Photographed on 11 June 2004

Mona Parsons was born in 1901 in Middleton, Nova Scotia.
During World War Two 1939-1945, she became part of a
resistance unit in Nazi-occupied Holland. In 1941, she was
condemned by a Nazi tribunal to death by firing squad, for
helping downed Allied airmen to escape from Holland.
In 1942, this sentence was commuted to a long term of
imprisonment. She managed to escape and made her way
to safety by posing as a German. Mona was presented with
citations from General Eisenhower and Air Chief Marshal Tedder
of the Royal Air Force for helping Allied airmen evade enemy capture.

Mona Parsons tombstone, Wolfville

Photographed on 11 June 2004

Clipping from the National Post, 23rd June 2005
From “Poise and Dignity Saved Mona Parsons”
by Patrick Watson, National Post, 23 June 2005

Mona Parsons
Canadian Encyclopedia Featured Article

Citation to Mona Leonhardt from Air Chief Marshal Tedder
The citation to Mona Leonhardt from Arthur W. Tedder, AirChiefMarshal ofthe RoyalAirForce
and Deputy Supreme Commander of the Allied Expeditionary Force

Photographed on 30 April 2008 in Spryfield, Nova Scotia

Arthur William Tedder

Citation to Mona Leonhardt from Dwight Eisenhower
The citation to Mona Leonhardt from Dwight Eisenhower
Supreme Commander of the Allied Expeditionary Force
Commanding General United States Forces European Theater

Photographed on 30 April 2008 in Spryfield, Nova Scotia

Dwight David Eisenhower

Detail of citation to Mona Leonhardt from Dwight Eisenhower
Digitally enhanced detail from the Eisenhower citation:
“European Theater of Operations U.S.A. H.Q.”

Mona Parsons
Canadian Encyclopedia

Mona Louise Parsons
Historica Minutes;jsessionid=89C653

Mona Parsons
Wolfville Historical Society Memorial Book

Mona Louise Parsons, by Athabasca University