Diligent River

Diligent River: historic monument, west face -3

Diligent River


Photographs of Monument

Diligent River Cumberland County Nova Scotia

Located near the south end of Ramshead River Road

To get there, start in Diligent River at the intersection of Highway 209 with
Ramshead River Road. Then drive 1.9 km south on Ramshead River Road,
and look around. The monument is about ten paces to the west of the road.

GPS location: 45°23’44″N 64°27’16″W

Google map

Diligent River: historic monument, east face
Lt. Elizear Taylor

Diligent River: historic monument, east face
Looking westward

Diligent River: historic monument, west face
Looking eastward

Diligent River: historic monument, west face
Capt. Samuel Wilson

The above photographs were taken on 4 June 2003.

Thanks to Mr. Terry Shaw.

Lt. Elizear Taylor and Capt. Samuel Wilson are named
in the book Loyalists and Planters of Minas Basin
by Robert Wilson Salter (1915- ), Amherst, Nova Scotia

Diligent River Trackways
