Springhill War Memorial

Springhill war memorial monument, after Rememberance Day 2005 -10

Photographs of
Springhill War Memorial

WW1 1914 – 1918
WW2 1939 – 1945

Springhill Cumberland County Nova Scotia

Located at the intersection of Main Street and Junction Road

GPS location: 45°39’03″N 64°03’24″W

Google map

Springhill: war memorial monument

Springhill: war memorial monument

Springhill: war memorial monument

Springhill: war memorial monument, center panel

Springhill: war memorial monument, 1914-1918, B-J 1914-1918, B-J

Springhill: war memorial monument, 1914-1918, L-W 1914-1918, L-W

Springhill: war memorial monument, 1939-1945, A-L 1939-1945, A-L

Springhill: war memorial monument, 1939-1945, M-Y 1939-1945, M-Y

Springhill: war memorial monument, back panel

The photographs above were taken on 4 June 2003.

The photographs below were taken on 13 November 2005.

Springhill war memorial monument, after Rememberance Day 2005

Springhill war memorial monument, after Rememberance Day 2005

Springhill Heritage Group


Cumberland County Museum and Archives
