Rawding Captains Monument

Clementsport: new Moose River bridge -8

Photographs of
Rawding Captains

Annapolis County
Nova Scotia

Located on the north side of Highway One,
about 10m west from the Moose River bridge

GPS location: 44°39’39″N 65°36’16″W

Google map showing this location

Two historic monuments, Clementsport

Two historic monuments at Clementsport

Photographed on 6 October 2002

Rawding Captains monument, Clementsport

Rawding Captains monument (above), plaque (below)
Rawding Captains plaque, Clementsport

Photographed on 6 October 2002

Thanks to Mrs. Hannelore Fisher.

Clementsport historic monuments adjacent to temporary bridge

carrying Highway One over the Moose River, installed

after the flood of 31 March 2003

Photographed on 13 June 2003
Two historic monuments, Clementsport
Two historic monuments, Clementsport

Clementsport historic monuments adjacent to replacement bridge

carrying Highway One over the Moose River, installed

after the flood of 31 March 2003

Photographed on 29 December 2003
Two historic monuments, Clementsport
Clementsport: old Moose River bridge, now walled shut
Clementsport: new Moose River bridge

Clementsport: map showing Rawding Captains monument location

Map showing the location of the Rawding Captains monument
Clementsport, Annapolis County, Nova Scotia

Roads are shown as they were in 1978. Except for Highway 101, the

layout of the roads in 2006 has not changed much from that shown here.