Photographs of
Loyalist Park Cannons
Cast iron
Digby Digby County Nova Scotia
Located in Loyalist Park on the waterfront
GPS location: 44°37’20″N 65°45’20″W
Loyalist Park, Digby
Six cast-iron cannons
LocationFoundry weightDateWeight (pounds)Weight (kilograms)
These cannons cannot be identified by serial numbers.
They have no serial numbers. Each of these guns has a
weight, as marked by the foundry, and no two are the same.
These photographs are identified by the foundry weights.
The cannons are listed here in sequence,
from the south end of the park to the north end.
Loyalist Park cannon 42-1-11 1841
Manufactured: 1841 Weight: 42-1-11 (2151 kg)
Cannon manufactured for Victoria Regina
(Queen Victoria reigned 1837-1901)