Photographs of Plaque
Oldest Settled Communities
Advocate, Apple River, Fraserville New Salem, Spencer’s Island
Officially dedicated 10 October 1999
Advocate Memorial Park
Advocate Harbour Cumberland County Nova Scotia
Located on the south side of Highway 209,
about 50m west from the Advocate Harbour Post Office
GPS location: 45°20’02″N 64°46’46″W
Photographed on 4 June 2003
Photographed on 4 June 2003
Photographed on 21 November 2005
Advocate Memorial Park
(above) Advocate Memorial Park in June 2003. Isle Haut is visible on the horizon.
The Oldest Settlements plaque (centre) with the Sea In Our History panel (right).
Photographed on 4 June 2003
Photographed on 21 November 2005
(below) Advocate Memorial Park in November 2005, with the Oldest Settlements plaque.
The Sea Sea In Our History panel has disappeared, but its supporting posts are still in place.
Sunday, October 10, 1999: A memorial in which JarlHenry was acknowledged was dedicated in Avocate, Nova Scotia. It is a beautiful setting with Advocate Harbor and CapeD’Or in the background. Wording on the Plaque is as follows:
the oldest settled communities in our nation, named and chartered in 1607 by
French Explorer Samuel de Champlain and claimed to be visited in 1398 by
PRINCE HENRY SINCLAIR…is a community wedged between forests and
sea, that for generations has lived by the benefits and dangers of both and whose
present generation wishes to show appreciation of their long and proud heritage
…hereby dedicate this stone in memory of those who lost their lives at sea.
This memorial was the brainstorm of Reverend David Chisling, while he was in this area. The accomplishment of the project must be credited to the local memorial committee which included Gertrude Fillmore, Terri Nuttal, Maureen Mills and Georgie Lent, Ch. The wording on the inscription was produced by Conrad Byers, distinctive historian of Parrsboro.
Source: http://www.clansinclairusa.org/clansinclairold/per_pr_phssns.htm
Note: Jarl is often used as a prefix to Henry Sinclair’s name.
An Earl or Jarl was an Anglo-Saxon and Scandinavian title meaning chieftain, and it referred especially to chieftains set to rule a territory in a king’s stead… In medieval Norway, the title of jarl was the highest rank below the king himself. The jarl was the only one beside the king himself who was entitled to have a hird (large armed retinue). There was usually no more than one jarl in mainland Norway at any one time, sometimes none. The ruler of the Norwegian dependancy of Orkney held the title of jarl, and after Iceland had acknowledged Norwegian overlordship in 1261, a jarl was sent there as well as the king’s high representative…
More (Jarl) by Wikipedia
More (Earl) by Wikipedia
Henry Sinclair, 1st Earl of Orkney by Wikipedia