Alexander Keith 1795 – 1873
Photographs of Monument
Camp Hill Cemetery Halifax Nova Scotia
GPS location: 44°38’37″N 63°35’08″W
Alexander Keith monument
Photographed on 28 November 2002
Alexander Keith’s tombstone “is an elegant example of a Victorian-era column
and is one of the largest (highest) grave markers in Halifax”.
— The Halifax Daily News, 7 August 2006
Photographed on 28 November 2002
Photographed on 28 November 2002
Photographed on 28 November 2002
Photographed on 28 November 2002
Plaque in Halifax City Hall
Photographed on 10 December 2002
Alexander Keith Dictionary of Canadian Biography Online
Alexander Keith Wikipedia
Halkirk by Wikipedia
Halkirk is the birthplace of brewer Alexander Keith and is claimed
by local people to be Scotland’s first planned village.
Alexander Keith, Halkirk, Scotland
These links were accessed and found to be valid on 23 April 2010.
Alexander Keith: The Fan Site
These links were accessed and found to be valid on 23 April 2010.
Alexander Keith Find-a-Grave
Alexander Keith Canadian statesman
Camp Hill Cemetery
Camp Hill Cemetery by Wikipedia