Photographs of
Country Harbour LoyalistTrail Roadside Park
Owned by the Municipality of the District of Guysborough
Stormont Guysborough County Nova Scotia
Located on the west side of Highway 316
about 1.3km northward from the Highway 211 (Ferry Road) intersection
GPS location: 45°12’21″N 61°41’38″W
United Empire Loyalist Trail, entrance to Roadside Park from Highway 316
Three hours before the ribbon-cutting ceremony.
The walking trail, to the Waterside Monument, begins here.
People gathering for the 2:00pm ribbon-cutting ceremony.
The ribbon is ready to be cut.
Noreen Haynes, president of the Country Harbour Loyalist Society, in period costume.
The ribbon is cut.
A few minutes after the ribbon was cut.
Entrance to Roadside Park
The walking trail, showing ongoing improvement with crushed stone.
The above photographs were taken on 15 July 2006.
Also see:
Waterside Monument – Country Harbour Loyalist Trail
Country Harbour Loyalist Trail Roadside Park
West Interpretative Panel
West (left) interpretative panel
The above photographs were taken on 15 July 2006.
Country Harbour Loyalist Trail Roadside Park
Center Interpretative Panel
Center interpretative panel
The above photographs were taken on 15 July 2006.
Country Harbour Loyalist Trail Roadside Park
East (right) Interpretative Panel
East interpretative panel
The above photographs were taken on 15 July 2006.
Also see:
Waterside Monument – Country Harbour Loyalist Trail
Map showing the location of the Country Harbour Loyalist sites
The distance between the Loyalist Trail Roadside Park
and the Loyalist Monument is about 2.2km [1.3 miles].
Country Harbour Loyalist Society Municipal Park and Walking Trail
Opening Day Program 15 July 2006
Program page 1
Program page 2
Program page 3
Program page 4
Souvenir magnets
Link to Relevant Website United Empire Loyalists
A United Empire Loyalist’s Bibliography…